Start Living the Life You've Always Imagined

You had so many dreams when you were younger - about how life and love would be. Are you living them now? Or did life happen... and those dreams dissipated, and Prince Charming never came, and the bills started piling up, and the fights started happening more often, and the friendships broke, and the diagnosis hit out of the blue, and this life - looks nothing like what you'd imagined it would. You don't have to stay stuck in that place. There is hope for being able to heal from whatever has broken those dreams. There is help, healing, and hope available here. Start living the passionate life filled with love, happiness and abundance that you've always craved.

I know what it's like to feel "stuck"...

I couldn't even really remember who I was anymore, i was so lost.

I had lost my sense of self – of who I was – being so wrapped up in being a mom, and even more so in being a mom of a little girl with complex medical needs. My self-worth, my self-identity, my self-love were all decimated by her diagnosis, and my divorce. 
All the big dreams I had had for my life – to live my life the way I’d always imagined – were gone. No white picket fence, no happily ever after, no vacations to tropical places with umbrellas in the drinks, no loving anniversary cards. 
Just me, crying myself to sleep every night, trying to hold my kids’ broken hearts together, stressing over how I would pay the bills, and taking blow after blow after blow from life. 
Until one day I realized that the decision was mine – I could either sit here and let life happen to me, or I could gather up what strength I had left, and go make my life happen. 

Everything I learned from that moment until now is what I’m here to share with you – whoever you are, and wherever you’re at in your journey. 

I help you learn to love yourself first. 
Love yourself enough to heal, love yourself enough to change, love yourself enough to start living the life you’ve always imagined. On your terms. Because you’re so worth it. 

I love a good party, some yummy cookies, laughing til I can’t breathe, and when pens glide across a page with smooth ink. 

I’m so glad to meet you! I love making new friends! This is my corner of the interwebs where I get to talk to and help humans who are ready to drop the struggle and pain in their past, and create a beautiful roadmap for moving forward. 
I do this because I was stuck in that struggle for a long time, and I know the pain. I’m here to help you find healing and hope~ 
Keep on Keepin’ On. 

I’m living the life I’ve always imagined!

“During C3C, Terra’s toolbox (which I like to call it) offers probing questions which make you reflect on why you think the way you do, how it makes you feel and what you want in life….Terra creates this loving, supportive safe haven to just be yourself…raw, unfiltered, and vulnerable. Just because you decide to join and have a life coach doesn’t mean you’re broken. It means you’re ready to Grow with the Flow.”


work with me


An intro to the beautiful world of the journey of loving yourself – beyond self-care, and beyond just a bunch of “feel-good” platitudes, this course takes you deep into some of the beliefs and thoughts that have held you back from having the love, relationships and life that you’ve always wanted. ~ you want to be in good, loving, healthy relationships. ~ you want to have to communication and connection skills to rebuild or strengthen the relationships you have This, & so much more, awaits you.


Learn how to see ourselves and our goals clearly, and take confident and courageous action towards those goals and living life the way you’ve always imagined. Imagine waking up each morning filled with energy because you get to LIVE the life you created today. This is what you’ve been waiting for. This is the call from your wild heart that you are ready to answer. And it all starts here – as we embark on a new year, a new decade together.  6 weeks of transformation from the inside out.


Get my Free Affirmation Wallpapers~

I mean, sure they’re SUPER cute – so of course you’re gonna wanna snag them! 
But they do more than just beautify your phone – they beautify your mind, heart and soul. Because when you begin to shift the narrative in your head (you know, that negative voice we all have playing in our head some days) – you will see your life begin to shift in beautiful ways. 
Download the affirmations, think of one area you’d really like to see improve in the next 10 days, and load your favorite affirmation onto your lock/home screen, and then read it to yourself every time you look at your phone. Say it out loud, repeat it three times, and let it keep playing on repeat in your mind. Then sit back and see what happens in that ten days~ You, my friend, are a powerful creative force, and these affirmations are your tools. <3