You Are...

The journey back to who you are~ finding your self-worth, self-confidence and love for your self. 
You are good. You are enough
You are good enough to chase after living the life you’ve always imagined. 

It wasn’t always like this…

There was a time, not so very long ago, that you had big dreams, and you knew that you were capable of making any of those dreams come true. You were young and full of love, life, ideas and energy. 

But somewhere along the way…you stopped believing in your own ability to fly, and started doubting that you were ever even meant to soar in the first place. 
Maybe you lost that wild-eyed wonder for the world slowly, from a young age, being told that you needed to do or be or act like “more”. Be more pretty, do more to get good grades, act more like your “good” cousin…
Or maybe you kept that belief in yourself alive through early adulthood, only to have it crushed with your first big heartbreak, your first job loss, or the crushing blow of financial stress. 

Maybe it was a divorce or the death of a loved one really close to you…or maybe you just read something one random Tuesday afternoon that made you realize – you never really felt “good enough”. 

Good enough to be loved, good enough to be cherished or recognized or seen for being just who you are, deep inside. 
Maybe you hear the words, and you know you should believe them…but you don’t feel them. And you just so desperately long to FEEL worthy, confident, loved. 
Because maybe if you could feel that way, you could really believe that anything was possible for you again. You could believe in your ability to fly again. 

What if ...

What if you did believe in yourself again? 
What would that look like for you? 
Take a minute and feel that…

Can you see the powerful, successful, ambitious version of you again? 
Do you see yourself being the confident & courageous you that you know you can be?

What if being that version of you opened up new doors of opportunity? 

What if being that version of you allowed you to know without a doubt where your passion for life was, and how to chase after it? 
What if?

That's why I put together the You Are Course

Because for all the ways you may think you can just keep going through life not believing in yourself, I’m here to tell you – there’s a better way! 
You can read all the books, listen to all the podcasts, post all the feel good memes – but until you are ready to get really honest with yourself, and dig in deep to discover WHY you don’t believe in your own amazingness, you will never fully know and recognize the amazing gift that you were created to be for this world. You are good. 
You are enough. 
You are good enough. 
Good enough for the opportunities you desire, 
good enough for the relationships you want, 

good enough to believe in your own ability to have, be, and do anything you set your beautiful mind to. 
You are your only limit. 
Come find out how to break through that limit and start living the life you’ve always imagined. 

purchase now and get presale pricing

Because I am so excited to get this life changing course out into the universe, I am offering it at pre-sale pricing for this week only. 
On Friday when the course officially launches, the price will go up to $97. 

Hi! I'm Terra.

And you would probably never guess it – but the me in this picture was barely a shell of the person I am today. 
She was petrified of what the future held for her – staring down the barrel of a divorce, becoming a single mom of her 4 girls, and having no idea how she would do it. 
That version of me? Had no idea how to even begin loving herself, let alone know that she was worth so much more than she had settled for, and had so many more gifts to bring to the world. 
I hit rock bottom a few months after this pic was taken. Not because I had a drug or alcohol problem – just because i had a major self-worth/self-confidence/self-love problem. As in I had none. 
From the painful rubble of what my life had become, i began to excavate through the bricks I had used to build a wall of “safety” around me, and realized it wasn’t keeping me safe at all – it was imprisoning me from going after everything I ever wanted in life. 
So I dug deep, got brutally honest with myself, started listening to my soul and dropping the ego, and I learned to live again. 
This time knowing I was worth going after all those dreams, I was worth loving, and I was worth believing in. 
And in all of that – I realized that I had a passion for helping other women heal, and giving them hope that a beautiful road lies just ahead of whatever rubble they are working through too. 

So here it is – what I learned about how to rebuild my self worth, my self confidence and my self love so that I could learn to really LIVE again. 
And I know it will do that for you too. 

STart living the life you've always imagined

You are so worth it. 
You are amazing. 
You are good. 
You are enough. 

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